Thursday, June 23, 2011


You know the feeling when you feel something isn't perfect yet? It's okay, but you are not 100% sure that it's good enough? That's pretty much my feeling towards my blog at the moment. I like it and I have a lot of fun doing it and you guys have been so amazing and supportive, yet it's not completely how I want it to be.
I didn't tell anybody about it, because I wanted to it to be perfect first.
But it's out attitude. We should be proud of our blogs and everything we do. Because later we can look back and see the developement we have made. You need to know where you were to realize your success.
And I think, we need people along the way, who grow with us. After all it's the journey, not the goal.(German saying xD)
I've told my friends now and family. (btw your family should always know what you are doing on the internet!! Boooyyss, even if it's porn.You might fall in love with a pedophile. You know the story)
Thank you all for your support!
Tomorrow is the last day of the contest. I'd be so happy if each and everyone would take 2 seconds of their time to vote for me. Just click here and then here.

Love Lois xxx

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