Sunday, October 30, 2011


Yeah I did. Sucks. It's actually due to a really dumb story.

Okay let me tell ya so you can laugh at how stupid I am. You need business cards to enter the Press Day Showrooms or the fair at the sight where the last times Premium was.
Remember how I told you after Fashion Week, I learned that I NEED to get business cards. It's the Blogger 101. Yeah.. never happened. xD
So here I am at the copy shop improvising like a retard to get my business card i.e. ultimate pass to enter the Press Days.
It went something like this: *open word, write down name, address, number, blog address, email, check if you spelled everything correct, copy paste, print on hard paper, cut, cut again coz it's chief!!
FIIIINNNIIISSSHHHEED! yeah. I'm a Rockstaaarrrzzz*
Ironically the Press Days are over when I finish my ultimate pass. Hahaha!
And Germans are punctual. If it's over at 6, it's over at 6. No later.
It just had to happen that way.
Guess that was a lesson for me. *Though shalt not procrastinate.* 
I'm a master of procrastination, serious master of disaster. Oh yeah.. which reminds me I still have a paper due Tuesday for school.. nice pahahahah!

My cards are pretty humongous. They are as big as my identity card.

I've been invited to the Press Days in London though. I doubt I'll be jetting over to London next week. Hardly gonna happen. Sadly...

Anyway, I've had a look at some pictures from my friend Jasmin and the stuff looked pretty promising (e.g. Acne!) ;)
This post was supposed to be filled with fashion coming up with material from the Press Days, but instead I'll force you to look at moi thanks to my Mac's awesome photo booth! Haha :D

such a poser :P

Ps.: These are just a few from 1234567890!! hahahaha

Love Lois xxx

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Sunday, October 23, 2011


Lusting over this great knit from Acne's F/W 2007 collection.
Is it amazing or amazing? I know, it's raaaaad!
Gotta run. Need to learn for my history exam tomorrow and finish my presentation for Tuesday. I was doing a little break when I stumbled across this picture.


Liebe diesen tollen Pulli aus der Acre H/W 2007 Kollektion.
Ist der supertoll oder supertoll? Ich weiß, der ist raaaaad!
Muss los. Schreib morgen eine Geschichtsklausur und muss meine Presentation für Dienstag fertig kriegen. Ich hab eine kleine Pause gemacht, als ich auf dieses Bild gestoßen bin.

Love Lois xxx

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Yes, yes, yes and oui to this little ring from StreetBauble!

It's probably the cutest ring I've ever seen. So delicate and tenderly made.
Chuck Bass said in the first episode of season 5, "Yes. It's a state of mind. A word. If an opportunity presents itself I take it."
It made me wonder about not shying away anymore and trying out more stuff, things I'm afraid of. Taking opportunities. After all they say "No risk. No fun." Obviously I won't go all crazy like Chuck, because that's just me.
It made me think about myself.
But maybe that's the point? Stepping out of your comfort zone and in fact going all crazy. I've always wanted to dance in a group, but I've always been to shy to perform.
Now we are supposed to act in my English extra course. Maybe next week I'll sign up for it...
I believe I'll be saying a lot of 'yes' with this ring on my pinkie (or any other finger) and if I forget or become reluctant it will keep reminding me.
Just like Demi Lovato's tattoos remind her to stay strong, it'll remind me to say 'yes', be more courageous.
Mais oui!
Now I just have to say yes to buying it. Haha!

Check out more of StreetBauble's jewelry here. 'Yes! Yes! Yes!' to all of it!


Das ist wahrscheinlich der süßeste Ring, den ich je gesehen habe. So delikat und zärtlich gemacht.
Chuck Bass hat in der ersten Folge von Staffel 5 gesagt, "Yes. It's a state of mind. A word. If an opportunity presents itself I take it."
Es hat mich zum überlegen gebracht nicht mehr wegzuschrecken und mehr auszuprobieren, Dinge vor denen ich Angst habe. Chancen nutzen. Man sagt ja "No risk. No fun." Natürlich werde ich nicht komplett ausrasten wie Chuck, weil das einfach nicht ich ist.
Es brachte mich dazu, über mich selbst nachzudenken.
Aber vielleicht ist das der Punkt? Einen Schritt aus seiner Komfortzone machen und in der Tat mal komplett ausrasten. Ich wollte schon immer mal in einer Gruppe tanzen, aber ich war immer zu schüchtern. Jetzt sollen wir in meinem Englisch-Zusatz Kurs schauspielern. Vielleicht trage ich mich nächste Woche dafür ein...
Ich denke ich werde viel 'ja' sagen mit dem Ring auf meinem Finger und falls ich es vergesse oder zögere, wird es mich erinnern.
Genau wie Demi Lovatos Tattoos sie daran erinnern stark zu bleiben, wird der Ring mich erinnern 'ja' zu sagen, mutiger zu sein.
Mais oui!
Jetzt muss ich nur noch zum Kauf des Ringes ja sagen. Haha!

Guck euch mehr von StreetBaubles Schmuck an hier. 'Ja! Ja! Ja!' zu allem!

Love Lois xxx

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Friday, October 21, 2011


Versace for H&M
Can't wait to see the collection in stores. Seriously.


Versace für H&M
Kanns kaum abwarten, die Kollektion in den Läden zu begutachten. Ernsthaft.

Love Lois xxx

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