Call it the curse we're totally guilty of...
Ya know? The evil spell forever connecting Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to their Edward and Bella counterparts—especially when each half of our favorite twosome has been killing it in a slew of new roles.
Which, like, totally sucks for the darling duo since—dare we say—both Rob and Kris are A-list actors worthy of some award show recognition?
So, can the world (and Team Truth) move past this Twilight obsession?
And what's with Uma Thurman being the latest offender?
Even Ms. Thurman had to touch on Rob's vampy role in a recent interview with Harper's Bazaar before gushing how "disciplined" and "serious" she finds the dude:
"To answer the ubiquitous question about this movie, yes, Robert is good-looking in person, but he doesn't have that diamond-sparkle skin like in those Dracula movies."
So why then, Ms. Thurman, (when you clearly don't give a crap about Twilight) must you even mention the movie? After all, we've said how fab we think Rob will be in Bel Ami and we're holding out for Rob to receive the recognition he deserves.
In our humble opinion, Mr. Pattinson's gone far too long without proper accolades. In his role in Water for Elephants, we found him phenomenal, a million times more believable than costar Reese Witherspoon, and the movie just hit DVD without even an Spirit Award for poor Robert.
Or what about Kristen Stewart in The Runaways? Costar Dakota Fanning just told Cosmopolitan how "on the ball" she finds K.Stew to be, but the flick got totally overshadowed by Kris' role as wimpy Bella.
Now, both these two have promising projects in the works—Cosmopolis and Bel Ami for Rob, and Snow White and the Huntsman for Kris. Plus, Cosmopolis director David Cronenberg has already praised Rob's work, and we can't get enough of Kristen's very badass Snow White cameos.
So we've said it before and we'll say it again—both these two can totally act, and everyone should start friggin' believing it!
What say you, Awful readers? What will it take to put Rob and Kris on the path to Oscar gold?
Tags: Curse, Kristen, Pattinson, Robert, Seriously, Stewart, Taken, Twilight
Via: Eonline