Friday, January 13, 2012

Cyndi Lauper Is Pissed Her Music Is Being Used To Trash Mitt Romney


Not that she is the biggest fan of Mitt Romney, mind you. She just doesn't want it "used in that way."
It has recently come to Cyndi Lauper's attention that her song, True Colors has been used by a campaign out to destroy the GOP candidate.
Angry over the the son usage, Cyndi took to her Twitter to explain to her followers her stance on the situation. She posted in a serious of tweets:
"Got a phone call saying my version of True Colors was used in commercial trashing Romney.
1st, I never approved it. Not that I his a supporter, I'm not. But I wouldn't have wanted that song to be used in that way. I think… Whoever used my song should have asked, and 2, realized that Mr Romney can discredit himself without the use of my work.
We are checking it out and will have it taken off."
Creative control means just that — and we agree with her. True Colorsis a beautiful song about being comfortable in your own skin. While we get the context of using it, there are better ways to hit back at Mitt than this, especially if Cyndi doesn't support the move.
Take it down, guys — or feel the wrath of lawyers!

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