Just hours after releasing another teaser of her of ‘Papi’ video, Jennifer Lopez has issued the full version of the production. The visual was directed by Paul Hunter in Los Angeles early last month to support her slow-selling ‘Love?’ LP, which has sold less than 250K in the US since being released in April.
Watch the ‘Papi’ video below:
Unfortunately, predictions that this video would have been a disappointment were indeed accurate. While the concept was admirable, the end result was far from exciting. In fact, entire production looked like a long commercial for Lopez’s endorsements with Fiat and L’Oreal.
There is so much that Lopez could have done with this visual, such as a theme similar to Shakira’s ‘La Tortura’ or simply continuing with the fierce layout of her own ‘I’m Into You’ video. I want to cry.
Tags: latest new music,hot new music,lopez new song,new songs out,michael new song,michael new songs