Sunday, January 15, 2012

Madonna Talks Lady Gaga & Kissing Nicki Minaj On ‘Good Morning America’

Madonna Good Morning America 2012 Lady Gaga reductive
Madonna’s one-on-one with Cynthia McFadden kicked off last night on Nightline and continued today on Good Morning America. And if you thought ABC was holding back the juicy quips for part two — well, you were pretty much correct! Head below to watch Madge discuss (”dis” being the operative syllable there) Lady Gaga, her on-set kiss with Nicki Minaj and the fact that she’s never cooked a meal in her entire life.

Madonna interview on Good Morning America

On Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” sounding similar to “Express Yourself”: “It feels reductive… Look it up.” [Licks lips, holds tea cup to her mouth.]
On kissing Nicki Minaj: “No tongue. There was no tongue. Who said tongue?… She has lovely lips. I sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to her and then I kissed her on the mouth.”
On talking about the birds and the bees with her kids: “With my daughter, of course. My son, I don’t think he’s ready for that just yet. He’s 11. Give him another year.”
On whether her Sex book is banned at home: “It’s neither banned or — I’m sure it’s somewhere in a file. I don’t ban it.”
Her response to a fan question about the last meal she cooked entirely by herself: “I don’t think I’ve ever cooked a meal entirely by myself… I have a cook. My daughter likes to cook. My son likes to cook. My nannies cook. My housekeeper cooks. The drivers cook. Everybody cooks… No, but I do everything else! Do I have to do everything?”
Pure comedy. What has been your favorite part of Madonna’s interview so far? (Remember, it concludes tonight on 20/20.) And what do you think of her response to the Lady Gaga question? Let us know in the comments below!

Tags: feature,lady gaga,madonna,nicki minaj