Little girl shows remarkable poise in stare-down with African Lion (VIDEO)
Sofia Walker may be the bravest little girl ever to have visited the Wellington Zoo in New Zealand, but the 3-year-old's recent stare-down with a large African lion was undoubtedly unnerving to her her mother, who was watching from nearby. To be sure, not many adults could maintain this kind of poise with the King of Beasts a mere inches away, face to face, pawing at the glass in flurries. Sofia had climbed onto a small platform in front of where the lion was beginning to feed. The lion seems mildly upset, perhaps because on this day zoo officials had placed its food very close to the glass. "He walked up to the glass and this is the surprise reaction," said her father, Julian. "This went on for five minutes and I'm very proud of my daughter." Would you be this brave?
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