Friday, February 3, 2012

Madonna Scores In “Give Me All Your Luvin” Video With Nicki Minaj & M.I.A.


Madonna has had all our luvin for quite some time now, but we suppose a little more can’t hurt. As we spied in the “Give Me All Your Luvin” video preview, Madge is definitely working the Super Bowl angle, surrounded by faceless football players who are always around to catch her when need be. And you know she’s a diva when she’s got Nicki Minaj and M.I.A., two of the hottest musicians in the game, on her own personal cheer squad. We estimate this video’s value at, oh, about $300. So grab your pom-poms and watch below.

Well, no one will be accusing Madonna of having low self-esteem any time soon. That hasn’t changed. The video is a fun, playful ego boost to the MDNA superstar, and needless to say, the Material Girl pulls it off with flying colors (and pom-poms!).

It’s a little creepy (those masked cheerleaders!), a little campy (well, a lot campy), and a little bit different from anything else that’s out there right now. That’s our girl! If we had one complaint, it’d be that we see and hear too little of Nicki Minaj! (But of course our pop Evita can’t be upstaged.)

Let us know what you think of Madonna’s latest on in the comments.

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