On his iTV special (which aired on TLC here in The States) This Is Justin Bieber, the world-renowned pop star brought his A-game —along with his puppy dog stare, of course. Besides serenading his audience of screaming girls with tracks from his holiday album Under The Mistletoe, Bieber busted out covers of Usher’s “U Got It Bad” and brought British MC Tinie Tempah out for the bizarre dancefloor offering that is “Drummer Boy”. Finally, the 17-year-old ended the night with his biggest hit “Baby”, closing things off with a pretty impressive go-around on the drums. Sadly, no impromptu freestyles.
“U Got It Bad” (Usher cover) / “Because Of You” (Ne-Yo cover)
“Drummer Boy” feat. Tinie Tempah
My World 2.0 is out now on Island Def Jam. Purchase it at eMusic.