There was such a huge crowd in front of Bershka during the opening! Some people even lining up from 4o'clock. Check out this awesome video Van Anh made during the opening when suddenly the workers started dancing for us! :D
Es gab so eine rießige Menschenmasse vor Bershka während der Eröffnung! Manche stellte sich sogar schon um 4Uhr an. Schaut euch mal das tolle Video an, dass Van Anh während der Eröffnung machte, als plötzlich die Arbeiter anfingen für uns zu tanzen! :D
Bershka Store Opening Berlin from Chopstick Panorama on Vimeo.
ph: Van Anh
It's crazy how many people were waiting (and pushing!) to get in. But they had all the right to be crazy about Bershka. And somehow I managed to miss the dance! I was on the top floor paying for my awesome new bag and did not notice the groundfloor going wild. -.-'
Tonight is the Mango Shopping event. Will I see any of you there? :)
Love Lois xxx